Online Resources
We hope you and your family are staying safe and sound through this challenge to our community. Social distancing is going to keep more people healthy, but it doesn’t have to be boring! Watch this page every day for tutorials, mini-classes, fun projects and gallery tours. We’re focusing projects on materials most people have around the house, so you don’t need to venture out for supplies. THANKS for everything you’re doing to keep kids happy, healthy and occupied! (Posting in reverse order so the newest video is always first.)
We just found a treasure trove of GREAT video projects put together by the cool folks at UCBerkeley Art Studio! We love their vibe, their projects and their generosity. We think you will too. So get ready to dive in! FIND ALL THEIR PROJECTS HERE.
From the PCA Production Studio:
Make a Pamphlet-Stitched Book!
Make a Printing Plate from Stuff Around the House!
Make a Flexagon! (What’s THAT?? – it’s cool, trust us.)
Make a Book From a Single Sheet of Paper!
Pop Up Critters!
Introduction to Pop Ups!
Painting with Arlen!
Our resident painting instructor walks you through how he makes a painting. (stills not video).

Coffee Filter Art!
Loud Mouth Critters!
Pin Prick Pictures!
Here’s our very first attempt – Junk Mail Collage! If you create a collage, email a photo to director(at)pendletonarts(dot)org or post it as a comment on our Facebook post about the challenge and we’ll post it here!
You can see the website I mentioned with the security patterns from around the world HERE.
Awesome job Kevin Gregg!

Here’s a gallery tour of Paula Vixie’s exhibit in the Lorenzen Board Room Gallery: