Adult Classes

Our programs are made possible through the support of the Oregon Community Foundation, The Ford Family Foundation, Oregon Arts Commission, and donations from people like YOU. Older teens, ages 16-18, are welcome to join most adult/evening classes for FREE as part of our Art Rocks Teens program. Our members pay a reduced fee for classes – become a member HERE!


Order of classes:
FREE Offerings
Weekday/evening Classes

Free Offerings


HIP & HANDMADE – a FREE drop-in class!
EVERY SATURDAY,  10:30-11:30 AM

Join one of our creative and enthusiastic staff members – often the wonderful Journey Hahn – for this casual, no pressure get-together. We gather around a big table to work on a different project each week, depending on what has captured our interest.

No need to sign up, no tuition, just come on by!




SPIN IN – a FREE drop-in offering!
1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Join the fiber fun gang on the first Saturday of every month at the Pendleton Center for the Arts. Those who spin, knit, crochet or do any creative hand work are welcome.  If you just want to learn more about these fiber arts, come on by! We love to do demonstrations, answer questions, or help you with the “darned” knitting problem (pun intended).




CREATION STATION – a FREE independent study opportunity
TUE-FRI,  10:30-3:30 PM, SATURDAY 12:30-3:30 PM
(NOTE: on rare occasions there are private events that preclude use of the Creation Station. If you’re traveling to PCA, call us to check, 541-278-9201)

We’ve put together a buffet of cool art materials that you can choose from. Grab a table, follow an online tutorial or just experiment and see where your curiosity takes you. From weaving kits, to needle felting, to embroidery, to painting and collage, and more – there’s sure to be something to spark your interest. No need to sign up, no tuition, just come on by!




with Kate Peck & Charlie Herrington
7:00 – 8:00 PM

A casual and fun get together for musicians of all experience levels. Blues, rock, country, pop and more. We’ll experiment with a variety of instruments. Guitars, mandolin, bongos…bring what you have and join us for an awesome jam session.






DRAWING COLLABORATIVE: Working From a Model- a FREE drop-in class!
with Alice Thomas & Shari Dallas
WEDNESDAYS, 10:30 – Noon
April 30 – May 28, 2025 (Five Sessions)
Alice and Shari will gently facilitate an open-ended, skill-building activity each week. Drop in once or become a regular! This gathering is appropriate for both accomplished and aspiring artists. Practice will include: 1. Drawing to see; drawing as a means of learning more about the world. 2. Composition building; developing a sense of what makes an effective composition. Participants are asked to bring an 18 x 24 rough surface newsprint pad. The PCA will have extras as well. Drawing tools will be provided. This course is being offered to both teens and adults. 






More than 15 years ago, the Lamb Foundation helped us put together the Professional Artist Resource Center here at PCA. Through that program, we provide one-on-one mentorship and resources for emerging artists who are learning to navigate everything from gift shop sales and craft vending to getting their work into contemporary galleries.

We’re so delighted that Pendleton is seeing a surge of artists who are ready to make the move into gallery spaces and more, so we’re offering workshops now instead of one-on-one sessions. These classes are free and open to anyone exploring a creative pursuit, whether they be working at the beginning, emerging, or professional level. They are designed to build on one another, but you can jump in and out, joining only the sessions you need.


with Roberta Lavadour
Thursdays, 5:30 – 6:30 PM
February 13, 2025

Writing about yourself and your work can be a daunting task, but it’s essential for artists who want to approach galleries, apply to juried exhibitions, or seek out funding opportunities—or all of those things! We’ll go through a series of exercises designed to get to the heart of why you do what you do, then combine best practices of good writing with your voice to get a great artist’s statement on paper that will serve you well for a variety of uses.



with Roberta Lavadour
Thursdays, 5:30 – 6:30 PM
February 27, 2025

A curriculum vitae, or CV for short, is an artist’s version of a resume. A CV is often required when you submit work for juried exhibitions and other opportunities in the art world. You don’t have to have a lot of experience making or selling art to craft a simple CV and doing it right from the beginning and making it easy to add to as you progress will allow you to be ready to quickly jump on opportunities in the future.



POP-UP 101
with Roberta Lavadour
Thursdays, 5:30 – 6:30 PM
March 13, 2025

Pop-up exhibitions can be a great way to build your CV and get your work in front of the public. This type of DIY activity can be as casual as hanging a few works in a non-traditional space to presenting an important body of work in a more formal setting. We’ll look at site selection, loan agreements, and liability issues, as well as installation best practices, promotion ideas, and documentation tips.



with Roberta Lavadour
Thursdays, 5:30 – 6:30 PM
March 27, 2025

Whether you’re planning on exhibiting and selling your work or not, you should always try to get great photos of each piece for your own reference. And great photos can make the difference between being accepted for an opportunity or being passed over. We’ll look at how to photograph both 2D and 3D art and fine craft works using special lighting techniques and other resources to make your work pop! We’ll only use cameras and materials that are easy to set up at home, so you can replicate what you learn in your own workspace. We’ll also show artists how to use a couple of the specialized tools that are available for artists to use anytime for free at PCA.



with Roberta Lavadour
Thursdays, 5:30 – 6:30 PM
April 10, 2025, 2025
Finding your niche in the art world is an important milestone, and learning how to connect with it takes some work. We’ll look at where you are in your art practice and look at resources for finding the right opportunities. We’ll learn to navigate CAFÉ, an online platform used by most larger venues for processing exhibit submissions. We’ll look at ways to make your submission stand out and review the pitfalls that are important to avoid.



with Roberta Lavadour
Thursdays, 5:30 – 6:30 PM
April 24, 2025

When do you need a business license? Do you need to pay taxes on your art sales? How do I copywrite my work? There are so many facets of exhibiting and selling artwork that are not nearly as fun as MAKING art but are vitally important. In this quick hour, we will answer the simple yes or no questions and provide broad overviews of some areas, then provide a list of resources for finding information specific to your own situation. You’ll leave with just enough knowledge to know what you don’t know, which is an immensely important point of view.




with Linner Mishler
THURSDAYS, 6:00 – 8:00 PM
March 27 – April 24, 2025 (Six Sessions)

Begin your Mosaic journey at the PCA and walk away with a beautiful creation, made by you. Each student will be provided with a 5 X 7 frame to work with, and Linner will provide guidance and instruction to enhance your skills and artistic abilities when it comes to the ever growing art of all things Mosaics. This class is aimed at beginners, but all levels are welcome. 



with Amy Jermain
Mondays, 4:00 – 6:00 PM
March 31 – May 12, 2025 (Eight Sessions)

If you’ve had experience working with clay before and want to pursue personal projects at your own pace with facilitated assistance, this class might be a good fit. Join Amy as she answers your questions, supports your goals, and helps perfect your technique in your ceramic endeavors. If you have a project already in mind, let us know and we’ll set you up for a brief consultation with our instructor. 

$190 MEMBERS/ $195 NON-MEMBERS + $50 Materials Fee
This class is full. Email classes (at) for info on future offerings



with Brian Purnell
TUESDAYS, 6:00 – 8:00 PM
March 18 – May 13, 2025 (Eight Sessions)
*No Class on March 25, 2025

Previous experience with clay isn’t necessary; what students DO need is an interest in creating something special. Brian’s depth of experience will help students transform the material into a permanent object: a bowl, tray, jar, spoon rest, coffee cup – anything that is functional and beautiful–or simply decorative–it’s up to you. Students will learn the basics of proper wedging technique, clay storage, making pinch and coiled pots, slab construction methods, using hump and slump molds, as well as both brush and dip glazing techniques. Returning students are welcome.

$200 MEMBERS/$205 NON-MEMBERS + $50 Materials Fee
This class is full. Email classes (at) for info on future offerings



with Marie Pratuch
WEDNESDAYS, 6:00 – 8:00 PM
March 19 – April 30, 2025 (Seven Sessions)

Marie will share the processes, materials, and tools, and students will get plenty of wheel-time to practice making functional objects. All materials are supplied in this class, including clay, glazes, and ample studio time. This course is now being offered to both beginners and students who have taken Marie’s class before.

$190 MEMBERS/ $195 NON-MEMBERS + $50 Materials Fee


with Marie Pratuch
THURSDAYS, 6:00 – 8:00 PM
March 20 – May 1, 2025 (Seven Sessions)

In this combined skills class, we welcome both beginners and post-beginner throwers to get together and continue explorations on the pottery wheel. Marie will be available to troubleshoot and answer any questions as you fine tune your throwing skills. Even if you still consider yourself a beginner, developing your throwing skills around more advanced students will help your overall technique and experience. 

$190 MEMBERS/ $195 NON-MEMBERS + $50 Materials Fee


with Amy Jermain
SATURDAY, 12:30 – 3:00 PM
April 12, 2025 (One Session)

Join Amy for this one time session and dive into the world of glazing pottery. You’ll learn about types of glazes and how to pick the right glaze for your work. Students will discuss underglazing and slipping, as well as how using colored clay slip on raw clay will enhance your design. Learn about glazing applications and techniques on how to best optimize your set up for glazing. This class offers an opportunity for you to practice these techniques on two premade forms. Our ceramicists will create a bisque fired mug and a plate for you to glaze in class. Once glazed, the studio will fire these items for you to be picked up at a later time. Materials will be provided.

$60 MEMBERS/ $65 NON-MEMBERS + $20 Materials Fee


with Amy Jermain
SATURDAY, 12:30 – 3:30 PM
May 3, 2025 (One Session)

The ancient art of Hakeme, or ‘brush stroke’ in Japanese, is a surface decoration technique using a textured brush and colored slips to create a natural brush style visual effect. The slip is applied to green clay and then fired, revealing the natural color of the clay body, enhanced by opposing slip brush strokes. Students will learn how to make their own brushes from grass harvested from the local hills. You’ll learn how to make the colored slips used in the process and how to apply the slip with skill for success in the overall technique. Students will throw their own bowl to use for the instruction. Prior experience and aptitude in wheel throwing is a prerequisite for this class. Spots are limited. 

$60 MEMBERS/ $65 NON-MEMBERS + $20 Materials Fee


with Peter Bryan
WEDNESDAY, 12:30 – 2:30 PM
March 19, 2025 OR April 16, 2025
*same class, different dates – pick which one works best for you!

Now offering this course free of charge, join us in supporting one of our favorite working artists Peter Bryan, as he teaches you his unique approach to art while tapping into valuable self-expression using a variety of different mediums. Students will use non-toxic oils, markers, acrylic paints, and more, to create one of a kind pieces of hand pressed printing. This process is very forgiving and user friendly. All types of artists, beginner and advanced students, are welcome. 

FREE! But please register so we know you’re attending.


with Alexandria Sorrels
SATURDAY, 12:00 – 3:00 PM
*Look for New Dates Soon!

In this class, students will join Alexandria as she guides you through the process of making your own turkey tail hand broom. You’ll learn about what tools are used and what techniques are effective in this process. Each student will leave the class with their own custom made hand broom and the skill-set to tackle future projects. This course is being offered to both teens and adults. 

$60 MEMBERS/$65 NON-MEMBERS + $10 Material Fee


with Charlie Herrington
WEDNESDAYS, 6:30 – 7:30 PM
April 2  –  May 21, 2025 (Eight Sessions)

Learn basic guitar skills and build a foundation for playing all kinds of music, from country to blues to rock and roll. You’ll start with the CAGED system and simple scales and basic rhythms. Eventually you’ll work your way up to playing some simple solos. No guitar experience necessary. New and returning students are welcome. Please bring a guitar – visit Pendleton Music Co. for affordable instrument rentals. You can join in any time at a prorated rate.



with Charlie Herrington
WEDNESDAYS, 7:30 – 8:30 PM
April 2  –  May 21, 2025 (Eight Sessions)

Continue learning and practicing songs as a group in the Beginners 2 session. Bring your guitar or visit Pendleton Music Co. for affordable music rentals. You can join in any time at a prorated rate.



with Yasser Marte
FRIDAYS, 12:00 – 1:30 PM
April 4 – May 16, 2025 (Seven Sessions)

We are thrilled to have Yasser Marte, photographer at the East Oregonian, join us for another round of an in-depth photography class. You’ll learn everything you need to know to take spectacular pictures under the watchful eye of an experienced photographer. We’ll look at work by iconic classic and contemporary photographers, including urban landscape, portraits and objects, and delve into exposure, shutter speed, lines, perspective, shadows and so much more. We will not be using cellphones; please bring your own camera or feel free to borrow one from the PCA. This course is being offered to both teens and adults. 




with Lori Sams
TUESDAYS, 12:00 – 1:30 PM
April 8 – April 29, 2025 (Four Sessions)

You might have dabbled in this medium, but Lori brings a next-level of self-expression and sophistication to the table. Explore different collage techniques and styles while learning a bit about the history of this fun and intriguing art form. With simple materials, like scissors, adhesives, and papers, we’ll create different projects for each class.



with Alexandria Sorrels
SATURDAY, 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM
April 12, 2025 (One Session)

An orb basket in a small basket with an open design that can be used to store and organize small items. In this class, students will join Alexandria as she guides you through the process of making your own orb basket, including what tools are used and different types of techniques and approaches you can use for a project like this. Each student will leave the class with their own orb basket and the skill-set to tackle future projects. This course is being offered to both teens and adults. 

$60 MEMBERS/$65 NON-MEMBERS + $10 Material Fee


with Audrey Tribble
THURSDAYS, 6:00 – 8:00 PM
April 17 – May 29, 2025 (Seven Sessions)

Join Audrey as she guides students through an in-depth introduction into two styles of Ballroom Dance. You’ll begin with the Cha-Cha and move into the basics of the American Foxtrot. Both of these dances require excitement and a passion to learn! Students are asked to wear comfortable clothing and good tennis shoes for movement. All skill-levels of dancers are welcome. 



with Brooke Franklin
THURSDAYS, 6:00 – 7:30 PM
April 24 – May 22, 2025 (Five Sessions)

Join Brooke as she guides you through the process of learning how to master the brick stitch and fringe techniques in bead weaving. Choose your bead colors and stud or dangle earring style that you’ll use to create custom earrings unique to you. You’ll leave this class with one pair of self-made earrings and the skill-set needed for future beading projects. 

$95 MEMBERS/ $100 NON-MEMBERS + $10 Materials Fee


with Chantell Reid
WEDNESDAY, 5:30 – 7:00 PM
April 30, 2025 (One Session)

Each student will be given a tote bag to decorate as they see fit! Using a variety of materials including stencils, paints, puff paint, fabric spray and more, come create a usable piece of functional art, made by you. Perfect to give as a gift or use for books, markets, and more! This course is being offered to both teens and adults. 



With Chantell Reid
SATURDAY, 12:30 – 2:30 PM
May 3, 2025 (One Session)

Join Chantell as she shows you how to create a beautiful macrame plant hanger, perfect for your living space, office, or to give as a gift. You’ll walk away with a new skill set and a beautiful piece of functional art, made by you. 



with Lori Sams
TUESDAYS, 12:00 – 1:30 PM
May 6 – May 27, 2025 (Four Sessions)

This class grew out of Lori’s graduate work looking at the connection between art, nature, and wellness. Each session will focus on art activities that are proven to reduce stress and anxiety, and improve mood. Lori Sams is not only a working artist, but also an experienced instructor who is skilled at leading others through creative explorations that nourish and inspire. 



With Chantell Reid
SATURDAY, 1:00 – 2:30 PM
May 10, 2025 (One Session)

Learn about different perspectives when taking photos with your phone. Chantell will show you how small adjustments to your angle and height can change the entire dynamic of your photograph. Turn your basic snapshots into elevated pictures in this one session course. This course is being offered to both teens and adults.



with Chantell Reid
Tuesday, 6:00 – 7:30 PM
May 14, 2025 (One Session)

Using good old fashioned brown paper lunch bags, you’ll fold and crease your way into creating your own mini book with pocket sleeves; perfect for storing notes, stickers, and lightweight keepsakes and memories. We’ll provide washi tape, paint, stamps and collage options to personalize your mini paper bag book. This is a fun project, perfect for all skill levels



with Nancy Rees Duff
SATURDAY, 12:00 – 4:00 PM
May 17, 2025 (One Session)

In this beginners class, join Nancy Rees Duff as she provides an introduction to fusing glass: what it is, how it works, and the variations in types of glass students can be expected to use. This includes sheet glass, frit, stringers and even powder glass. You’ll learn basic skills like glass cutting, stringer bending, and more. Students will be given a 6×6 piece of glass to use for their creation, which is perfectly sized for a plaque, glass dish, or piece of personalized art. Students will be briefed on glass safety, basic techniques, and overall understanding of how fusing glass works. This class will be held near Helix, Oregon in Nancy’s personal glass studio. Registered students will be contacted with the address. Spots are limited. 




FREE Social Crafting Gatherings for Adults 18+. We’ll have complimentary adult beverages (21+ and over) and tasty non-alcoholic options available, along with nibbles. Bring a friend, bring a date, be ready to relax and have fun! We prep for 12 people, so if you’re coming with a group, give us a heads up at so we’re sure to have plenty of supplies.

with Kate Brizendine
THURSDAY, 5:00 – 6:30 PM
March 20, 2025 (One Session)

Whether you’re a total pro or just beginning, if you are an artisan in any form- come share your gift with us. Bring in a piece of your work and come ready to briefly discuss your art background, your piece, and why art is important to you. You’ll have the opportunity to look at other artists’ work and ask questions of your own! This is a wonderful chance to make connections, get inspired, and meet other local artists. Current PCA instructors, art teachers and all community members welcome! 


with PCA Staff
WEDNESDAY, 5:00 – 6:30 PM
April 23, 2025 (One Session)

We’ll provide a variety of different art related options and you provide the creativity! Come by yourself or bring a friend. You’ll have an art buffet of ideas to choose from with a range of different options and ideas. 


With Heidi Veldhuis
WEDNESDAY, 6:00 – 7:30 PM
May 14, 2025 (One Session)

Origami cranes are symbols of hope and peace. Come learn how to fold and flip specialty paper to create beautiful little cranes that we will use to make a mobile to hang in the JD Smith Art Studio, right here at the PCA. We’ll even send you home with some origami paper so you can create your own hanging mobile at your convenience.