Hello RRC Counselors!

Please read the Code of Conduct and You’re a Mandatory Reporter! then fill out the form. If you have any questions, contact Roberta at director@pendletonarts.org

Code of Conduct

Conduct with Students

  • The safety and health of the students always comes first.
  • Relationships with students must remain appropriate and within the boundaries of a professional relationship. RRC Counselors and Interns represent the organization and are expected to always put their best face forward.
  • Derogatory or sexually inappropriate language and/or topics of discussion near or with students is prohibited.
  • Avoid situations of being alone with a student. Ideal ratios are 2 staff members: 2 or more students. When this is not possible, leave doors open and remain within eyesight of other PCA staff.
  • Engagement with students on social media should be kept to a minimum and only be done in the context of class-related information. Connections on Facebook with minor students may provide them with access to inappropriate material from other “friends” and are to be strongly discouraged.
  • Text, phone or email communication with students should go through PCA administrative staff, not instructors, volunteers, interns or contractors.
  • Act as a positive role model for students.
  • Promptly report to a PCA Staff member any activity that threatens the safety, health, or well-being of any student, staff member, contractor or visitor.
  • Understand your role as a mandatory reporter (see supplemental handout).

Conduct with PCA Staff, Instructors, Volunteers, and Contractors:

  • Communicate openly, respectfully, promptly and directly in order to promote mutual trust and understanding.
  • Resolve conflicts promptly at the lowest possible level.
  • Any staff member, instructor, volunteer, or contractor is welcome to contact the Executive Director (Roberta Lavadour 541-310-7413) or Board President (Susan DeMarsh).



  • Working with students while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is strictly prohibited.
  • Marijuana, illegal substances, weapons of any kind, flammable liquids, and fireworks are prohibited on the property. Occasionally PCA may serve alcohol at a special event, but outside of those events, no alcohol consumption is allowed. No minor under 18 may handle containers of alcoholic beverages.
  • Smoking or vaping is not permitted on PCA property. If you need to take a smoke break, please do so at the edge of the parking lot across the street.


  • Clothing with logos or advertisements for tobacco or liquor are not permitted at PCA. Because of our 501 (c)3 status, it’s important that buttons, stickers, or clothing worn in the building do not advocate for a candidate. Nonpartisan expressions are fine.
  • Closed-toe shoes should be worn at all times.
  • While we appreciate creative expression, don’t wear anything inappropriately revealing.


  • Do not drive with students in your car. If a student is in need of transportation, contact a PCA Staff member.


You’re a Mandatory Reporter!

 Why am I considered a mandatory reporter?

In addition to a host of other professions, those working with youth, like instructors and other staff at the Pendleton Center for the Arts, are considered mandatory reporters.

“Employee of a public or private organization providing child-related services or activities: Including but not limited to youth groups or centers, scout groups or camps, summer or day camps, survival camps or groups, centers or camps that are operated under the guidance, supervision or auspices of religious, public or private educational systems or community service organizations.” (Source: https://www.oregon.gov/DHS/abuse/pages/mandatory_report.aspx)

What does it mean, exactly, to be a mandatory reporter?

As a mandatory reporter, if you suspect a child with whom you have had contact is being abused, or that a person with whom you have had contact has abused a child, you must tell either the Department of Human Services or the appropriate local law enforcement agency (city or state police, sheriff or county juvenile department.

Are my reporting responsibilities limited to my time at work?

Nope. By law, mandatory reporters must report suspected abuse or neglect of a child regardless of whether or not the knowledge of the abuse was gained in the reporter’s official capacity. In other words, the mandatory reporting of abuse or neglect of children is a 24-hour obligation.

What is a ‘child”?

A child is a person, married or unmarried, under the age of 18.

What should I do if a child confides in me about abuse?

Children who have suffered abuse often test the waters with a small revelation to see if an adult is going to be supportive. It’s important that the response to any report is the same, regardless of the seeming severity. There are two things that should be said.

  1. “I believe you.”
  2. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

It’s also important that we DON’T say things that might plant a false memory or cause other problems. Leading questions like, “Did someone hit you?” “Did your brother do something he shouldn’t have?” can seem innocuous but can actually do more harm than good. Non-leading, general questions like, “Is there anything wrong?” or “You look upset; is there something you want to talk about?” may help encourage a child to talk to you.

Do I need to be sure?

You should report any reasonable suspicion of abuse; you do not have to prove it.

So, what do I do next?

If someone is in danger or is being hurt, call 911.

If there is no imminent danger, call 1-855-503-SAFE (7233). This toll-free number allows you to report abuse or neglect of any child or adult to the Oregon Department of Human Services.  Generally, reports are made by phone because the law requires an oral report. Sometimes they may ask for additional written material, such as medical reports, when the information is needed to assess the condition or safety of the child.

Can’t I just tell a staff member of PCA and let them deal with it?

No. If you witnessed the behavior or if a child has come to you, YOU must be the one to make the call. Telling a supervisor does not fulfill your legal obligation. Of course, any regular staff member of PCA will help you go through the process.


There is a complete online brochure HEREIf you have any other questions, please reach out to Roberta at director@pendletonarts.org or 541-310-7413 (cell).

Submit the form

2024 Rock Camp Counselors

NOTE: Your 1099-NEC will be emailed to this address in January 2023, so if it changes, let us know. THANKS!
Let us know what we can do go make this a good experience for you. Any special dietary needs? Any accommodations we can provide? Anything else we should know?
T-Shirt Size(Required)
Please upload your W-9 here. You can find forms at https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw9.pdf
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, pdf, Max. file size: 300 MB.
Mandatory Reporter Information(Required)
I've read the Code of Conduct form and understand my role as a mandatory reporter.