Tell Us How We Did

End of Class Evaluation

We’d love your honest feedback on the class you took at PCA. We can only get better if we know where our blind spots, weak areas, and existing barriers are. THANK YOU for your time. We appreciate it.
  • You don't need the formal title - just give us the general idea, or the name of the instructor.
  • Tell us how you felt about the lighting, materials, chairs...anything that stood out in terms of the work space.
  • What would you like us to know about your instructor?
  • Everyone has a different work style. How did the pace of instruction work with your style?
  • Some students are more interested in social connections, some want to build skills, and some want to just complete a fun project. How did the information presented and the level of instruction fit with YOUR expectations?
  • How was the registration process for you? Any suggestions for how we can do better?
  • Any suggestions for how we can do a better job making ALL students feel more welcome at PCA? Any improvements in the space, teaching style, or access to accommodations that would make it more equitable?
  • Anything else you'd like us to know? Please leave your name and email if you'd like us to contact you.
  • May we share your comments (anonymously) with funders and/or on social media?