(A.S.24) Hand-Built Clay Forms


with Brian Purnell
TUESDAYS, 6:00 – 8:00 PM
April 9 – June 11, 2024 (Ten Sessions)

Previous experience with clay isn’t necessary; what students DO need is an interest in creating something special. Brian’s depth of experience will help students transform the material into a permanent object: a bowl, tray, jar, spoon rest, coffee cup– anything that is functional and beautiful–or simply decorative–it’s up to you. Students will learn the basics of proper wedging technique, clay storage, making pinch and coiled pots, slab construction methods, using hump and slump molds, as well as both brush and dip glazing techniques. Returning students are welcome.

$200 MEMBERS/$205 NON-MEMBERS + $50 Materials Fee
This class is FULL. Email classes (at) Pendletonarts.org to be put on the waiting list for additional offerings

SKU: CerHandbuilding-1-1 Category: